Ground Control #12 – News

In an effort to get back on schedule this issue will be a little less ambitious. Little by little we’ve crept off our bimontly format into a bimonthly-plus-a-week-or-so format and it’s time to reign that back in.

I say less ambitious now, but sitting in my computer is a folder called GC-12 with the raw material for this issue and the overflow that was forwarded from past issues. Although it is the biggest folder to date, the goals for this issue are: be on time, do the best work possible, and spell-check! I think building on consistency will give Ground Control and The Coffee Project a longer life with more quality overall than attempting to reach too far into the occasional moment of brilliance.

Having said that, the thought comes to mind that it’s the same with coffee. When you measure carefully, grind consistently, roast fresh, and store properly, the result is not an accident, and from that point you can improve on what you know. Not that acting recklessly won’t provide interesting results, but reproducing the results you want, and leaving behind the rest is where it’s at.

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