Frugal shopping

On your website and saw that the coffee prices were pretty good. Six dollars for one pound of beans I could roast myself! But shipping cost was as much as the coffee. I was looking for a way to enjoy quality coffee for cheaper but I don’t think this works.


Buying a single pound is definitely not going to be as cost effective as buying multiple pounds all at once. That’s probably true in buying anything. We have a starting point in our shipping structure that makes it worthwhile for us to process and bag a up a single pound. While many customers DO order only one or two pounds at a time, most buy at least 5-10 pounds at a time- especially since raw coffee stores so well. Many also order 10-20 pound bags where available for the price breaks.

If you’re willing to buy a bit more coffee all at once and watch for the coupon codes in our newsletter, you can get the cost per pound down too. First time orders for instance may use the online code “Newcomer” for 5% off beans. We also have birthday codes good during the month you were born for 10% off beans. And in our email newsletter we sometimes have random short time frame promotions.

The very best way to manage the overall cost of an order is to buy a bit more all at once and combine that with the online ordering codes. Ordering a single pound would be the most pricey way to go.

Coffee is a lot like wine in that price is sometimes more about scarcity (and marketing) than quality. So don’t let price be your guide in choosing beans. Instead, let what you like guide you. Colombian (also Mexican, and Brazilian) beans for instance tends to be well priced and terrific quality even though not as expensive as others. Colombian etc are often some of the very best available. Prices are relatively low compared to smaller producers just because Colombia grows so much of it. Also like wine, different regions are going to taste different. For a small difference in price you can have beans that are wilder tasting, fruity, more chocolate, buttery, citrusy; whatever suits your tastes in coffee best. You can even blend coffees to balance what you like most in them.

If it’s ALL about price however, not about regional variations in coffee or consistency, we do have Uncertain Blend Very inexpensive especially for practicing, and many of our customers are committed to it. It’s all excellent coffee, just mixed up together and without any pedigree.

Using a birthday code, eight pounds Uncertain Blend and shipping works out to only $5.25 to your door.

I hope thats helpful info for when price is a leading factor, and that you do decide to source ALL of your beans via The Coffee Project.

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