Brazen Coffee Brewer Available This Summer

The first automatic home coffee brewer with adjustable temperature and calibration settings- It's an auto drip coffee brewer with full control.  www.coffeeproject.comThe Brazen Coffee Brewer introduces a revolutionary new vision in coffee brewing – where you, are in total control of the brewing process.

Most coffee makers, including most commercial versions, do not allow the customer to change the brewing temperature of their coffee. Before the Brazen coffee maker, there were no consumer versions available with a pre-soak function, and almost all had poor extraction due to poor design of water dispersion.

One of the key aspects of well brewed coffee is making sure the grounds are evenly saturated. Unlike most home brewers which drip from the middle, Brazen brewers saturate the grounds in a shower of hot water, at the right speed, and the right temperature.

Some of the highly innovative features of the Brazen Coffee maker include:
• Accurate temperature control
• Calibration features including altitude correction
• A pre-soak feature and and adjustable rest time
• Manual water release for teas, also the perfect temperature
• A stainless steel carafe

WHY is Temperature control so important?
Having control over the brew temperature enables you to decide at what temperature you would like your coffee brewed. Different brewing temperatures will extract different flavors from your coffee and can greatly affect the character of the cup. Since no single brewing temperature is ‘right’ or perfect, hotter may not always better. In simple terms; being able to choose the brewing temperature gives you control over the flavor of the coffee because the temperature affect how much is drawn from the grounds. Draw too much and it’s bitter, draw too little and it’s weak. By adjusting the grind, the quantity AND the temperature you have greater control.

The Brazen Brewer is designed to prevent temperature over shoot, and glide.
A common occurrence when heating water to a specific temperature is to ‘overshoot’ this target because the heaters are not turned off until the water is at temperature – unfortunately electric heaters continue to heat the water for some time after that. The idea of a glide is this; once your desired brewing temperature is set in the Brazen’s memory, the Brewer is designed, using patent pending technology, to recognize this set point. Program settings reduce the power to the heaters so that they are almost off when the water is at the temperature you choose. By having the glide feature you minimize missing the water temperature you set. A good analogy is to compare it to driving up to a “STOP” sign with the stop sign being the set point. If you are driving at 60 mph when you come to the stop sign, despite pressure on the brakes, the car WILL runs past the “STOP” sign into the intersection, and potentially into great peril. If you de-accelerate some distance before the “STOP” sign (as I am sure you do) your ability to stop exactly where you want becomes much greater. The same theory is applied to the glide feature. The goal is to hit the set point versus racing past it.

For even MORE information about coffee, visit our website

Additional info about the Brazen Brewer can be found here.

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